Note: This page is being mirrored on Webring Webspace. If this page loaded slowly, suggesting that Freewebspace might be experiencing an unusually heavy server load, and you plan to wander around the homepage for my group, you might want to use that link I just gave you to switch over to the other server. Yes, the two pages link together, and there's a clear path back to the ring.

Quoting the group description: "For fiction and other narrative that, while set in a fictive reality that bears some resemblance to our own, diverges from that reality in some significant way. Not science fiction, and not really diverging from the world as we know it to truly be fantasy.

Surrealistic art and photography, and talk about the same, are welcome here as well. 'Real life ghost stories' and fringe science are not - those present should have enough common sense to know the difference between fiction and reality."

No starships or dinosaur or vampires, whether they sparkle or not. Hard to place this genre, seems like I'm asking you to hit a narrow target in a conceptual fog? Perhaps television will help - ever see the original Twilight Zone, the one produced by Rod Serling in the black and white era of TV? In terms of genre - how would you classify most of the episodes? They take place in a world that was the world dwelled in by the audience in its day, almost, but not quite. Something is a little bit off, not right, and that wrongness is what the episode is about. Those episodes would fit into the genre we've been having trouble pinning down. Is it a little clearer, now?

Flickr is a photography hosting service that has discussion fora, so naturally, photos will be seen. Surrealistic photography? Surrealistic art is, again, more easily pinned down as a concept by example than by definition - ever see a picture by Salvador Dali? Definitely, one of his paintings will create a space in which the eye can wander. One can't really call his work nonrepresentational, as we see things that appear reminiscent of three dimensional objects appearing in the image, but ... since when do clocks droop and continue running? Almost reality, but just a constructed step away. Picture an image distorted to create a similar effect, and you'll have one idea of what a surrealistic photo might be; the work of other artists (eg. Escher) might give you others. The images in the group gallery, which is already in use as you join us, will give you some more, still. Yes, you're destined to see a serious amount of photoshop work in the gallery (known as a "pool" on Flickr), if you stick around for a while.

The group you're headed toward is a PG rated group, on which nudity and other adult material is prohibited, but there is a companion adult group, should you wish to post something not as family friendly. In no case, however, may you post porn. Figure studies done in a faintly alien reality; yes, close zoom in shots of deformed reproductive organs, no. Even if our provider was open to hosting that sort of thing, I still would not allow it, because I have to look at the things I moderate, and I don't want to have to look at that. Even if somebody should finds my position in this too judgmental, and I'm sure somebody will.

That's all for the moment. The group is over here. When it's time to return to your ring, you should see html code for your ring on the main page for your group, if Webring hasn't been merging rings again, and a link back to this site, taking you to a page with the SSNB on it (which Flickr doesn't support, regrettably). Let's continue.